The UMBRA collaboration with Industrial design studio RYE design.
Utilising lasercut repurposed perspex shapes, silkscreened and reconfigured, to create a wall light with an external back light.
Shown at Milan Design Week 2017 as part of the LocalDesign Group.
Introduced through LocalDesign, Kate Banazi and Ryan McGoldrick have similar ideologies on re-use, distortion and the manipulation of substrate and light. The concept of the collaboration piece was to create a sculpture of two halves, where thejuxtaposition of our two practices and personalities meet, whilst not compromising our individual voices and focusing on local and hand made.
For Kate, this was an extension of her hand silkscreen printed perspex and paper artworks which reference identity, interlocking shapes, relationships and shadows cast. For Ryan, focused on the process behind the manipulation and control of light, density and reflection whilst building relationships and mentorships within a new design community.
Photographed by Fiona Susanto